Medical Packaging Workshop

Arvand Fan Pars organized a sterilization workshop to achieve the goal of upgrading staff’s knowledge as well as hospitals and medical companies.
It should be noted that Arvand Fan Pars is a member of the Sterile Barrier Association (SBA) and in this specialty workshop specialists Ms.Aryan Deldari and Mr. Hossem Boukadida presented participants with the topics of sterilization including these headlines:

  1. Solutions for sterile packaging
  2. Key concepts
  3. Safety for patients and staff in hospitals
  4. Adherence to sterile methods
  5. Bacterial barrier function after sterilization
  6. Mechanical resistant for moving and store
  7. Easy pack opening while using
  8. Tracking capability
  9. Design, environment

    *This workshop was held free of charge in the cities of Tehran, Tabriz, Isfahan and Hamedan from 2017-06-03 to 2017-06-06 and at the end, a training certificate was handed to every participant.

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